Access Professional Counseling Services in Davidson County, Tennessee

The Davidson County clinics were established to provide basic health care, insurance, and mental health services to as many people as possible. Vanderbilt Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Services is the only inpatient hospital for children with behavioral health problems in Central Tennessee. Clinics and health care centers in Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee, offer basic medical and dental care, often for free or at a reduced cost. The Refuge Center for Counseling was founded on the belief that all people, regardless of income level, should have access to professional counseling services to empower, educate, and support individuals, couples, and families in need.

The Refuge Center for Counseling provides sliding scale counseling services to those living in Davidson County, Tennessee. This means that the cost of counseling services is based on the individual's income level. This allows people of all income levels to access the help they need. The main phone number for the Refuge Center for Counseling is (61) 374-2107. The community clinic provides primary care to families in the Davidson County region.

Tennessee Early Intervention Service (TEIS) tests and services are available for children under 3 years of age living in Tennessee. Healthcare for the homeless in the city center is located at 526 8th Ave, Nashville, Tennessee, 37203 (61 256-0197). Low-income and homeless people in Davidson County may be eligible for free medical or dental care from volunteer nurses, doctors, and other health professionals. At the Refuge Center for Counseling, individuals can access a variety of counseling services such as individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy, group therapy, and more. The counselors at the Refuge Center are experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping individuals find hope and healing through therapy. It is important to note that while sliding scale counseling services are available in Davidson County, Tennessee, there may be limits on the types of services offered.

It is best to contact the Refuge Center directly to find out more information about what services are available and how much they cost. Accessing professional counseling services can be a life-changing experience for individuals who are struggling with mental health issues or other life challenges. Sliding scale counseling services make it possible for people of all income levels to access the help they need. If you live in Davidson County, Tennessee and are looking for professional counseling services at an affordable rate, contact the Refuge Center for Counseling today. At the Refuge Center for Counseling in Davidson County, Tennessee you can access a variety of counseling services such as individual therapy, couples therapy, family therapy, group therapy and more. The counselors at the Refuge Center are experienced professionals who are dedicated to helping individuals find hope and healing through therapy.

Sliding scale counseling services make it possible for people of all income levels to access the help they need. The cost of counseling services is based on your individual income level so that everyone can access the help they need. If you live in Davidson County and are looking for professional counseling services at an affordable rate then contact the Refuge Center today. They will be able to provide you with more information about what types of services are available and how much they cost. Accessing professional counseling services can be a life-changing experience that can help you cope with mental health issues or other life challenges. Don't let financial constraints stop you from getting the help you need - contact the Refuge Center for Counseling today!.

Keith Sibilio
Keith Sibilio

Total web buff. Evil music aficionado. Certified coffeeaholic. Extreme sushi trailblazer. Typical food expert.